At Broken Boundary Adventures our number one priority is our staff members and guest’s safety while participating in outdoor activities.
Customer Policies
- If you have any underlying medical conditions, it is recommended that you not visit our facility.
- Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19, which primarily displays as a persistent cough, will not be permitted to take part in the sessions. If you are sick, please stay home.
- If you have travelled from outside of Canada, you are not permitted on our premises until you have self-isolated for a minimum of 14 days.
- If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or you live in a household where someone is showing symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home.
- Physical distancing is required at all times. (minimum of 2 metres)
- Failure to observe physical distancing may result in the end of the guided session without a refund.
Staff Policies
With respect to potential COVID-19 exposures:
- We must ensure that physical distancing is maintained wherever possible.
- Review work procedures to ensure appropriate distancing.
- Identify potential means of transmission on surfaces and minimize worker contact with those surfaces.
- Employers must stay informed of all public health orders, directions, and requirements, and take appropriate action in their workplace to prevent transmission of the virus.
General Practices:
- Anyone who has arrived from outside of Canada, or who is a contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case, must self-isolate for 14-day monitor symptoms.
- Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, must self-isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days as per the Provincial Health Officer and BC CDC.
- Maintain good personal and environmental hygiene
- Cover nose and mouth with tissue paper while sneezing or coughing and dispose of nasal and mouth discharge properly.
- All staff members must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer upon arriving at work, before and after breaks, after handling commonly used tools and equipment.
- Staff members must maintain at least a 2-meter space between themselves and their guests when all possible.
- Different groups must not be combined without the consent of all parties involved in the session.
- All non-family members, or persons living together must maintain a two-meter spacing while on the session.
- If the two-meter gap is not possible due to injury, the staff member must wear gloves and a form of face protection.
- At the end of the session any equipment used must be sanitised.
Personal Protective Equipment
- Surgical mask: Wear a surgical mask to protect mucous membranes of the nose and mouth during procedures that are likely to cause exposure to blood or body fluids.
- Gloves: Wear disposable gloves when touching blood, body fluids, mucous membrane or contaminated items. Remove gloves promptly after use and perform hand hygiene immediately. Gloves do not replace hand hygiene!
- Goggles / Face shield: Wear a goggles / face shield to protect the mucous membrane of the eyes when carrying out procedures that are likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood or body fluids of the guest.
Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work if they believe it presents an undue hazard.
- An undue hazard is an “unwarranted, inappropriate, excessive, or disproportionate” risk, above and beyond the potential exposure a general member of the public would face through regular, day-to-day activity.
- Workers and employers with questions or concerns about workplace exposure to the COVID-19 virus call WorkSafeBC’s Prevention Information: 1.888. 621.SAFE
Protecting Mental Health
- WorkSafeBC and the BC government have provided everyone with access to support during this time for anyone that may be affected by the anxiety and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 outbreak.
If you are starting to feel ill, please stay at home and contact either Terry or Tyler
For employees who are observed to not be following these rules progressive discipline will be taken which includes verbal and written warnings, and in extreme cases, termination.
- COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool:
- BC Centre for Disease Control:
- Mental Health Resources
- BC Restart Planning